Fire Service Plus, Inc.
473 Dividend Dr
Peachtree City, GA 30269
Phone: 770-460-7793
24/7 Emergency Hotline: 770-460-7793

FireAde® 12.69oz
FireAde® is a 1:B rated personal fire extinguisher designed for easy application and extinguishment of fire outdoors and around the house using our signature FireAde® firefighting foam. No mess, non-corrosive, water-based formula leaves no residue and wipes up easily. Effective on Class A and Class B fires (97% of all fires). FireAde cans have a MFG date printed on the bottom of the can. This is referred to as the "manufacture date". Customers have a five-year guarantee from date of purchase with HSN, NAPA Auto Parts, and other suppliers. We recommend you replace your FireAde every five years or after every use. 12.69 oz. (360 gm.)

Roll Bar Holster 12.69oz
FireAde® Holsters are designed for quick access to fire safety with roll bar straps so you can place FireAde® in your racing vehicle, heavy machinery, or tent stands for special events. Fits both 16oz FireAde®.
FireAde® is new technology in fire suppression and uses the same superior performing firefighting foam trusted by firefighters globally. Using a no-mess, water-based formula, FireAde is easy enough for anyone to operate. Just point and spray!
FireAde® in use at NHRA
FireAde® cans are used at the track in almost every motorsport to quickly extinguish high heat fuels when they combust. Here it is used at the NHRA.
The Ronnie Thames Foundation Save A Life Blitz
A portion of the proceeds of every FireAde® can go to support The Ronnie Thames Foundation in their mission to prevent pediatric burns.
FireAde® in the garage
Thanks to Cold Hard Art for demonstrating the effectiveness of FireAde® in the workshop.